The Aegis Floorsystems Difference

Through AEGIS Floorsystems involvement within the food and beverage industry, we have developed relationships with the companies that supply our customers with Worker's Compensation and General Liability Insurance. These groups recognize AEGIS Floorsystems as a cost effective solution to the single largest risk in this industry - SLIP AND FALLS. Our strategic alliances have not only saved the insurance carriers money, but as a result, many of those same companies have reciprocated their savings back to the operators through either lowering premiums or rebating a percentage of the cost of out service. These are some of the insurance and risk management companies we are currently working with.

The Aegis Floorsystem DifferenceOn the right, Independent testing by ESIS demonstrates the dramatic increase in the slip resistance of wet floors when treated by AEGIS Floorsystems.

Risk Management
One major insurer has calculated that the average cost of a workers slip and fall run $12,470. Costs from these injuries may include emergency response fees, surgery, recovery and rehabilitation. AEGIS Floorsystems, Inc's "Safety Surface" floor treatment provides an estimated savings of 40% on these claims due to its ability to increase slip resistance. Additionally, "Safety Surface" can reduce general liability claim costs by 50%, when on average these claims can surpass the amount of $3,200 per incident.

On the left, In this independent study, the improvements of the co-efficient of friction (slip resistance) of floors treated by AEGIS Floorsystems is noticeably superior to it competitors